Vision | Mission


In Gurukul our first and foremost initiative is to implement all the policies in a lucid and concrete way. An educator’s complete focus is to be on shaping his/her vision into the academic success of all the students. Also our educators strive to create a climate hospitable education to our students. Vision for a school is limitless and infinite but what one can do is to improve the environment of the school through better teaching learning methodologies.
We also try to provide international quality of holistic education coupled with human values in a technologically supported, joyful learning environment, creating global citizens, and to allow children to be children.
Vision is also to provide learning that is enjoyable, creative, student centered and such that an individual can be provided with an environment that will grow them to be life-long learners.
We view education as a powerful tool to engage the strengths and personalities of every student to collaborate and construct learning in a nurturing and empowering curriculum and community culture.


Along with strong academics, we aim to inculcate values, life-skills, awareness about social life. We intend to do this through our integrated curriculum which focuses on experiential and exploratory learning, hands-on activities and caters to differential learning.
Our Guidance and counseling aim to monitor and develop all aspects of developmental needs of the student resulting in ethical, responsible and capable individuals.


To nurture a generation of smarter children and encourage independent thinking rather than restricting their creativity to mere syllabus.
Encourage children to explore experiment, discover and learn on their own in guided and mentored environment.We put in efforts to instill confidence, civic sense, good habits, social, cultural and citizenship values.